Shoulder bags and mini bags!! A trend that came to stay...

Shoulder bags and mini bags are the perfect option to transform your classic look into a super original one. Although this trend was imposed in 2019, in this 2020 it continues stronger than ever, and promises to continue for several more seasons.

Every good fashionista knows that these accessories can quickly and effortlessly transform any outfit. Giving a radical twist to a simple outfit or recreating a catwalk look is possible, in large part, thanks to them. Along with belts, a key piece in street style , earrings, footwear, and of course, handbags . The latter have long been positioned as the piece that can best define the style and personality of whoever wears it, an essential complement to our looks, both during the day and at night.

Black Centola shoulder bag, with the strap forwardLilac Centola shoulder bag, with the strap forward

The range of possibilities of this type of accessory is really wide. Definitely, the minibags became the object of desire of those who know the most about fashion.

Brown Salerno print crossbody bag, front viewSalerno green reptile shoulder bag, front view

The functionality of this style of handbags, the versatility and comfort when carrying them, were the key to its success. The brands responsible for bringing this trend to the catwalks were Balmain, Chloé, Givenchy, among others.

Salerno nude shoulder bag, front viewBlack Salerno shoulder bag, front view

And you? Have you joined this trend yet?

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